Fuel Bids

Legal Notice

Fuel Oil Bids Town of Camden


PLEASE TAKE NOTICE:     By order of the Town Board of the Town of Camden, Oneida County, New York, sealed bids for the purchase of Fuel Oil for the 2024 season for the Town of Camden Town Hall will be received at the office of the Town Clerk, 47 Second Street, Camden, New York during regular business hours until 7:00pm Monday November 13, 2023, at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud.  Town Clerk hours are as follows:  Tuesdays 8-4pm, Wednesdays 8-4pm, Thursdays 8- 1pm.

Bids will be submitted in sealed envelopes at the above address and shall bear on the face thereof the name and address of the bidder.

Bid forms can be picked up at the Town Clerks office during Clerk business hours or online at camdenny.gov under the Town Board department.

The contract for the purchase of the above item will be awarded by the Town Board to the lowest responsible bidder.  In cases where two or more responsible bidders submit identical bids as to price, the Town of Camden Town Board may award the contract to either of such bidders.  The Town of Camden may reject all bids and readvertise for new bids at their discretion.


                                                                                  Fuel Bid Form 24.docx 


By order of the Town Board

Allyson Snow, Camden Town Clerk

47 Second Street

PO Box 265

Camden, NY 13316